Monday, February 17, 2014

What's My Label?

  Maybe it's because I'm a woman. Maybe it's because I am a mother...or a stepmom...or a wife. Whatever the reason, I struggle frequently with who I am in the middle of it all. Sometimes I feel lost in a sea of labels and expectations. I'm tossed back and forth in the waves of life. I have to be a good at all my roles or I don't feel like I'm enough. Of course, "good" is relative and defined mostly by my own assumptions about what I should or shouldn't be. Sometimes I'm on top of the water, but mostly I feel like I'm sinking...not drowning, just barely treading water and growing weary.
    I do what any well-meaning woman would do when circumstances are overwhelming. I look for validation like it’s a life raft. I seek signs of appreciation, kindness or gestures from my husband or my kids. Clueless to the unrealistic expectation I've placed on them, I'm often left disappointed, emotional and irritable. Ugh!
    I've been reading a book titled "The Smart Stepfamily" by Ron Deal. In one of the chapters, he discusses the need for parents to first have an individual relationship with God. At first it seemed so cliché. Yeah, yeah...I've heard it all before. I pray. I pray a lot! As I read further, my heart stirred in a big way. The book encouraged the importance of knowing who we are in Christ.
    I know God helps my family and shows up often. We love and trust him. I have faith. He is the center of our family. But somehow, I've missed the mark. I have lost touch with God my Father, a father who loves me and validates me. He thinks I'm beautiful and valuable...I am enough.
    The reason I am feeling lost in the sea of labels and expectations is because I've lost sight of the One whose labels matter most. 
    I'm going to have a heart to heart with my Father. Here's what he has to say...

1.     God chose me and I am special. (John 15:16, Eph 1:3-8, 1 Peter 2:9)
2.     I am God’s masterpiece. (Eph 2:10)
3.     I can do anything, I am a conquerer. (Phil 4:13, Rom 8:37)
4.     I am loved. (Rom 1:7, 8:35-39, 1 Peter 1:5, 1 John 3:1, John 3:16)
5.     I am treasured and valued. (Proverbs 3:15)

6.     I am not alone. (Hebrews 13:5)

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